This is how the lyrics of The New Rhett Walker Band-HERE'S TO THE ONES CD spoke Into my life.Every song I listened to had profound impact on me.I was either crying or reflecting on my life.How I needed the love of Jesus,to love others like Jesus and to change things for the better,to lean on God and Jesus to help me every second,every minute,every hour and every day.
The "Clone" Lyrics spoke to me, as Christians we have an urgency in our lives.That as Christians we need to stand up for our uniqueness,that we are all individuals and are not clones.We are made in the image of God and that we need to live like God intended us to live, not to live without questioning things.To not be people who move aimlessly and idly through life without a fixed direction,living like ‘clones’.To have a stern disapproval of an individual's conception of living like we are only existing and breathing without any meaning in this world.I am reminded that we all have our purpose.Some people may ‘…call yourself an outlaw but never fight for anything, sitting here waiting for them dollar signs, selling what we do not need…’, but because we have Christ Jesus on our side, then our lives are worth more than being any ‘mindless’ clone.
The albums Title “Here’s To The Ones” Lyrics spoke to me as a woman,a widow,a mother and homemaker.That works hard to raise a little girl on her own.I try to stand up for my faith and my family no matter what comes along.To live for God,Jesus,my faith and for my family.I do not back down for what is right and just,I am like a bull dog I sink my teeth in and will not let go.This song honors and salutes the men and women that stand on their faith,their families and stand up for them.The song is a thank you to people of America for everything they have done to make the nation great.‘…here’s to the ones who stand their ground, here’s to the ones who never back down, oh, here’s to the home of the free…’
“Love Like Jesus” Lyrics spoke to me in many ways.It is a captivating and an inspiring ballad.It makes me cry everytime I hear it.To me its about loving everyone we meet like how Jesus loves us.And to have a heart for people and love them no matter what and to love like Jesus.That we need to ... "Dance like fire, sing like freedom,Laugh and cry and live and die and still believing,Gotta run like wild, while I’m breathing,Standing strong as I press on and keep on dreaming And love like Jesus"...To have a passion,to have a fire in our hearts,to sing like I am free in Christ Jesus,to live and live a life as Jesus did.
“Adam’s Son” Lyrics spoke to me to be a reminder that we all have sinned and have sin in our lives and have fallen short so many times.We all can be redeemed by God through Christ Jesus dying on the cross for those sins.The song reminds me of a cry for help and a cry for God to rescue to us all,to deliver us from our sins,weaknesses and ourselves.
“Dead Man” Lyrics spoke to me as our wake up call.The song sings about a non-Christian friend or someone who’s fallen away from their faith.It is a reminder to them that without God.We are like a dead man walking.We all have a the choice if we want to accept God’s offer of a relationship with Him and with Jesus and have new life in Them.It made me really think and ponder about my walk with God and Jesus.
"The Mystery" Lyrics spoke to me as being very emotional and vulnerable song.The chorus reminding us that Jesus doesn't worry about our preconceived ideas of faith and the appearance of it.That He wants our hearts to be pure in our pursuit of Him and His love.
This scripture came to me while listening it.
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart,
O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
"The Other Side" Lyrics spoke to me with its moving and inspiring words.These words met a lot to me ....."There is a reason and all of life has meaning,There is an answer for these broken times ,So keep on searching, seek and you will find Him,There is an answer on the other side".... This scripture came to my mind while listening to it.
Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you
and this Lyric also ‘…so lift your hands up, feel the spirit rising, join the celebration, raise your voice with mine, Lord hear us calling, calling for you Jesus, we feel you moving, from the other side…’ Such powerful words
Psalms 50:15
Call upon Me in the day of trouble;
I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me."
"Amazed" Lyrics spoke to me a lot.To be amazed of being alive and to be amazed in the grace of God.To be amazed by God's power and His work He does in our lives and the lives of those around us.My little girl and I love this song very much and we found ourselves singing along "…I want to stand amazed,Fill with wonder all my days,I don’t wanna race through life, and forget to be alive,So I’m gonna stand amazed…"
“Better Part of Me” Lyrics spoke to me as a reminder of my marriage to my late husband Richard RIP! and makes me cry cause it makes me think of the love we shared for one another and that we put Christ first.This song takes a real honest,intimate look at marriage and supporting one’s spouse no matter what is going on.My late husband and I had this we were best friends first and respected each other.
*** From my late husband Richard RIP! on Feb 9,2010 ***
Our anniversary means a lot,Much more than any another day;I
celebrate my love for you,And cherish you in every way.Through
passing time, our love still grows,A caring relationship to
explore;Our life together gets better and better,And I keep on
loving you more and more.My wife you complete me...Happy Anniversary. I love you"
The lyrics go ...."When I said I do, I wasn't telling you just some lines from a song,Of some old country tune,Or when I took your hand and you took my name,All time stood still with God and family,You were, you are, you know you'll always be the better part of me".....
Rhett dedicated this song to his wife and the other band members’ wives.Every marriage has their ups and downs.This song beautifully tells us that in the end it is all worth it, despite all the trials,that a marriage is based on commitment, love and devotion, instead of fleeting emotions which go up and down,change from day to day.That a man and his wife’s love for each other is only miniscule to the love that Jesus has for us! I think that is pretty awesome!
"Someone Else’s Song" Lyrics spoke to me that the life we’re living isn't our own ,but it is Jesus’s.That we can stay true to ourselves,our Faith and to Jesus without pressure from society,from everyone else’s opinions,and not live someone else’s life, or live their calling,but live out our own life and our own calling in Christ Jesus.
"Broken Man" Lyrics spoke to me I am reminded that God loves everyone,no matter of our struggles.No matter if we are broken or not.The chorus touched me because this is what I do daily and talk to Jesus and ask the same things ‘…I get lost, I get found, lose my way when I turn around, hit my knees, lift a prayer once again, ask for mercy, ask for grace, then I do the best I can, I thank God he loves a broken man…’, i get peace and calmness from this song knowing that I am not the only one in the world that feels this way.We need to remember that God loves everyone regardless of where we have been and loves us too much to leave us there.
My little girl was really quiet while I was listening to this CD and I asked her "Do you like the music?" and she said "yes, very much" :) she was singing a long with the CD. She just 4 years old but knows great music.
This CD is filled with honesty about brokenness and the hope an d strength we all can find through faith in God and through Jesus Christ.It is one of the most inspiring CD's I have ever heard.

Track List:
- Clone
- Here’s To The Ones
- Love Like Jesus
- Adam’s Son
- Dead Man
- The Mystery
- The Other Side
- Amazed
- Better Part Of Me
- Someone Else’s Song
- Broken Man