The story details Austin’s journey through 30-years as an emotional abuser, the destruction of his marriage, and the long, arduous road back from his hell. Experience the awakening that hurled him through a nightmarish journey to the most inner core of his soul.
Burrow inside an emotional abuser's head and find out why I...
- am so charming one minute and a raging manic the next
- blame you for everything
- must stay in control all the time
- belittle your feelings, opinions, or your accomplishments
- try to punish you
- never seem to support you
- cut you down in front of friends and family
- can't stop my behavior even if I wanted to
- cause you to walk on eggshells around me
- am angry so much of the time
- don't provide your emotional needs
- can't admit when I am wrong
- expect so much of you
- can't accept the word No
Discover what he learned during five years of recovery as he put his emotionally destructive lifestyle behind him, and later, discovered that the horrors of his 33-year abusive life stemmed from events that happened as a teenager, following the unexpected death of his father.
If you have a dysfunctional relationship or marriage, discover:
- The motivations behind the abusive behavior
- Whether there is hope for the relationship or if it is time to get out
- Practical tips to heal should your spouse commit to get help
Anyone trapped in a manipulative, controlling relationship full of anger, yelling, and arguments, yet who yearns to have a relationship and marriage full of love, emotional intimacy, and trust will gain insight and practical knowledge and guidance from this book.
Answer the questions:
- What role childhood plays in an abuser's life
- How does a too-close relationship with mom affect a husband
- What is the 'payoff' to abuse in marriage
- Codependency and the role of the rescuer
- What type of counseling won't work and which is best
- How to know if it's time to leave the relationship
- How to tell if your mate is really changing
- What is the Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde personality
- What role anger plays in the abuse inflicted on others
- What is Arrested Development and what role does it play
- Root causes of abuse
If you recognize even some of these traits within yourself, or someone you love, you owe it to you and to all those around you, your spouse, children, family, friends, and coworkers to read this book.
About the Author:
Abuse was the enemy that plagued Austin James for over two-thirds of his life, but through great sorrow, the ability came to him to transform himself from the ashes of defeat to a type of cleansing and healing that not only renewed his spirit, but allowed it to soar to new heights. Austin currently lives in the Midwest and enjoys a quiet, abuse-free life, helping men and women discover the truth about emotional abuse and ways to overcome it. He enjoys, hiking, backpacking, writing, and for the first time in his life, inner-peace. |
You can buy the book at Amazon HERE
I give Austin James book Emotional Abuse: Silent Killer of Marriage – A Recovering Abuser Speaks Out