Young Inventor of “Bear On The Chair®!”

Bear On The Chair® is your child's magical year-round behavior buddy! Bear On The Chair® was invented by Symonne who loved being rewarded for good behavior and also very much loves teddy bears! From her heart she created the only year-round behavior buddy that motivates children and reinforces positive actions. As a child she has the inside scoop on what motivates children and she is excited for everyone to have their own Bear On The Chair®.
Bear On The Chair® can help parents in a variety of ways. Whether it is to reinforce the existing positive behaviors or to help improve less than desirable behavior, Bear On The Chair® is the perfect fit for any family.
In a typical household, Bear On The Chair® can help parents survive the "terrible twos", the "no" stages, and create an engaging and positive environment. As parents ourselves, we know this takes patience and creativity.Bear On The Chair® can motivate children to brush their teeth, eat their veggies, and put away their toys (with little to no nagging!)
In a typical household, Bear On The Chair® can help parents survive the "terrible twos", the "no" stages, and create an engaging and positive environment. As parents ourselves, we know this takes patience and creativity.Bear On The Chair® can motivate children to brush their teeth, eat their veggies, and put away their toys (with little to no nagging!)
How does Bear On The Chair® act as a "communicator" to children with Autism?
The Happy/Frown face system on Bear On The Chair® can be used to communicate with non-verbal children.Used in households with special needs such as ASD (Autism), Bear On The Chair® can be embraced in different ways to create a happy and educational environment. The soft and friendly Bear On The Chair® knows just how to help you communicate with your children.
Bear On The Chair® bear's Happy/Frown patch system can be used to work with children on various parts of the ASD (Autism) spectrum. The best part about Bear On The Chair® is that it can be used as an adaptive tool for many situations--the only limits is your creativity.
The Autism community has specifically come to them wanting to test their bear in Learning Centers, Special Needs Schools, Public School Systems, Private Sessions, and in ABA therapy.
Potential Ways to Implement:
Bear On The Chair® bear's Happy/Frown patch system can be used to work with children on various parts of the ASD (Autism) spectrum. The best part about Bear On The Chair® is that it can be used as an adaptive tool for many situations--the only limits is your creativity.
The Autism community has specifically come to them wanting to test their bear in Learning Centers, Special Needs Schools, Public School Systems, Private Sessions, and in ABA therapy.
Potential Ways to Implement:
- For some high functioning children, the Bear On The Chair® could be used in its typical fashion
- Therapists and Educators working on specific social skills can use the Happy Face patch to reinforce the lessons they are teaching when the child mimics and remembers how to respond
- Children who have trouble expressing how upset they are can use the different patches to inform their family or support group of how they are feeling
- Non verbal children can now respond to questions and share feelings using the happy/frown face patches. Do they understand what you are saying? (yes or no), How they are feeling right now? (good or bad), and Are you happy or sad today? (happy or frown)
Bear On The Chair® Video
Bear On The Chair®. I was not sure how my little girl would like the teddy bear sitting on a chair and how it would work with my little girl Amelia and her ASD. Amelia is Verbal ASD and she has DART/ABA Therapy every week.So I showed the ABA therapist the bear and she said "it is a wonderful thing to introduce to Amelia" while I implement what the teacher wants me to work on with Amelia that week . Amelia really loves the Bear on the chair and we are using it as a tool for teaching her what is good and bad ways to act.My daughter got a hold of the Bear On The Chair box and ripped it open before I could open him up for her.She always plays with the bear asking the bear "Do you want to rock in your rocking chair?"
I explained to Amelia that when the teddy bear is doing good he is happy and has the Happy face on his tee .She talks to him and says "You are so very happy today,just like me." She loves when he is happy.
If she acts up or starts to have a meltdown I tell her that the teddy bear is upset also and now he has to wear the sad/frown face.Amelia does not like when the sad face on the bear I explain when he is upset just like her or does something wrong the bear gets a frown but when he just like her does good and behaves the bear gets a smile on his shirt.It redirects her from her meltdown,she seems calmer and seams the meltdowns are a little less.We use the
Bear On The Chair® everyday.We have now had the Bear On The Chair® for awhile now and I added it to her ABA therapy daily.It has gotten a little easier when dealing with Amelia's meltdowns.We are going to keep using the bear for as long as we can.I am hoping as Amelia gets older and that she will start to understand more and more.We absolutely love and are very happy with the Bear On The Chair®.I recommend Bear On The Chair® to all my readers that are parents and grandparents that are a having difficulty with tantrums and ASD meltdowns and more.
I recently had the chance to review I explained to Amelia that when the teddy bear is doing good he is happy and has the Happy face on his tee .She talks to him and says "You are so very happy today,just like me." She loves when he is happy.
If she acts up or starts to have a meltdown I tell her that the teddy bear is upset also and now he has to wear the sad/frown face.Amelia does not like when the sad face on the bear I explain when he is upset just like her or does something wrong the bear gets a frown but when he just like her does good and behaves the bear gets a smile on his shirt.It redirects her from her meltdown,she seems calmer and seams the meltdowns are a little less.We use the
Bear On The Chair® everyday.We have now had the Bear On The Chair® for awhile now and I added it to her ABA therapy daily.It has gotten a little easier when dealing with Amelia's meltdowns.We are going to keep using the bear for as long as we can.I am hoping as Amelia gets older and that she will start to understand more and more.We absolutely love and are very happy with the Bear On The Chair®.I recommend Bear On The Chair® to all my readers that are parents and grandparents that are a having difficulty with tantrums and ASD meltdowns and more.
We Give Bear on the Chair®
Giveaway Time:
Enter to win a Bear On The Chair®just in time for Christmas Starts 10/29/2014 10:00 pm EST - 11/10/2014 10:00 pm EST