Total Time 1 Hour Ages School Age
What makes these fluttery butterflies so vibrant? Magazine photos!
What you'll need
How to make it
What makes these fluttery butterflies so vibrant? Magazine photos!
What you'll need
- Colorful magazine pages
- Pipe cleaners
How to make it
- For each butterfly, choose 2 colorful magazine pages. Cut out 2 squares, one 5 inches on a side, the other 4.
- Starting at one corner, accordion-fold the squares on their diagonals; our folds were 1/4 inch each.
- Pinch the center of each folded square. Bend a 12-inch pipe cleaner in half and create a small loop. Arrange the squares in a butterfly shape and center them inside the pipe cleaner.
- To secure the wings, twist the pipe cleaner above and below the wings and curl the ends for antennae.