~Holiday Gift Guide~ John Paul Pet Grooming Pack Review/Giveaway
We were recently given the opportunity to test out one of the grooming packs from John Paul's pet line. I have to be honest at first I had no idea that John Paul created a line for animals. I was very excited however when I found out because I love John Paul's (Paul Mitchell) products for humans and I was excited at the thought of being able to try out salon quality items to pamper my pooch! We are always trying to find shampoos for my 5 year old chocolate lab that help with her doggie dandruff and keep it shining longer then five minutes... I also wanted to find something that actually stayed smelling good for longer then a day.. Some of the shampoos and other products we have tried on her leave her smelling per-fumy for a day and then the next day she smells like a stinky wet dog! The kit that we received comes with Water-less Foam Shampoo, Oatmeal Conditioning Spray and the custom grooming brush.
The first step in the kit is the waterless foam shampoo - this can be used with water or without it which is great for those quick groom jobs in between baths. We used it with water because it has been a while since she had been washed. She always behaves really well during bath time so it was pretty easy to wash her. This step is meant to cleanse so this is going to be what cleans, moisturizes and deodorizes. It does just that, I smelled her after she was out of the bath and before we did any other step and she smelled absolutely awesome! No Wet Stinky Dog smell at all! We then brushed her out to insure all of the shampoo was out. (This is also her favorite part its like a doggie massage and she sheds less when we brush her out.)
The next step in the process is to condition. This is done with the oatmeal conditioning spray. It is a completely leave in conditioner so all you have to do is spritz it on and you are good to go! We brushed her out again at this point just to finish getting out all loose hair from her shedding. This would also be great for dogs with longer hair to be able to help you comb out all those tangles. It also smells fantastic and I always love a dog that smells good and is shiny!
I do have to talk about the brush a little bit more it has permanent ball-tipped metal pins and they are set on a flexible pad. They are awesome from helping to distribute the shampoo during the first step and this also makes a great brush to finish combing out the tangles and stuff during the conditioning phase.
It has been almost a week since we bathed her using these products and she still smells awesome and she is the shiniest she has ever been... My husband always comments when he gets home from work and she come to him to be pet that he still can't believe how shiny she is! I would easily recommend this to anyone looking to pamper their own pooch or feline friend. It is very high quality stuff and can make grooming a snap!

Be sure to check out the entire line from John Paul for pets! They have a whole line of awesome products to help your pets feel and look their best!!! This would also make an awesome gift for that special pet in your life this holiday season!
Also be sure to check out all the other great charitable things John Paul and his pet line are a part of :)
Be Sure to Follow John Paul Pet to keep up with their products anything new :)
The wonderful people over at John Paul Pet are going to give one of my readers their own Pet Grooming Pack like mine above for their own special pet friend!